The Man Behind the Curtain

The Founder

Hello! I'm Michael McDougal, the owner, CEO, and sole employee of Dark Stranger LLC.

Company Overview

Dark Stranger LLC is the company behind Heavy Athlete. While we're a small operation, we're dedicated to creating useful products for our users.

  • Dark Stranger LLC is a separate legal entity from Michael McDougal personally.
  • This structure protects personal assets in case of any legal issues with the company's products.

The Name's Origin

The company name has an interesting backstory rooted in Gaelic:

  • McDougal is an Americanized version of MacDougall
  • Mac = son of
  • Dou = dark, secret, or mysterious
  • Gall = stranger
  • So, McDougal essentially means "son of a dark stranger"

Notable Products

Dark Stranger LLC has developed the following products:

  1. Heavy Athlete

    • The platform you're currently using
  2. ChemStud

    • An app for solving collegiate freshman-level chemistry problems

Feel free to explore these products and reach out if you have any questions!